Robert J. Glushko

Cognitive Science Program

(510) 388-3366 (voice)

101 Stephens Hall (mail)

University of California, Berkeley CA 94720-4600


University of California, San Diego

Ph.D. (Cognitive Psychology) 1979

Wang Institute, Tyngsboro MA

M.S. (Software Engineering) 1985

Stanford University

B.A. (Experimental Psychology) 1974

Professional Employment

University of California, Berkeley -- Cognitive Science Program

Adjunct Full Professor, 7/17 - present


University of California, San Diego -- Department of Cognitive Science

Visiting Professor, 9/19 - 12/19


University of California, Berkeley -- School of Information

Adjunct Full Professor, 1/03 - 6/19

Lecturer, 1/02 - 12/02

   School of Information, 2002-2017

Faculty Director, Center for Next Generation Teaching & Learning, 2009-2011

Director, Information and Service Design Program, 2006 - 2010

Certificate of Distinguished Teaching, 5/02

Award for "Best Faculty Mentor to Students," 5/07 and 5/11


Commerce One, Inc. (Pleasanton and San Francisco, CA)

Engineering Fellow, 11/00 - 3/03

Director, Document Engineering, 1/99 - 11/00


Responsibilities at Commerce One included:

·       Primary architect and evangelist for company's XML strategy

·       Management of all XML "document engineering" efforts, especially the XML Common Business Library, a set of "building blocks" for the XML documents that enable B2B services.

·       Management of all company involvement in ebXML, W3C, UN/CEFACT, XML.ORG, OASIS, RosettaNet, OTP, CommerceNet, Microsoft Biztalk, OBI, and other standards bodies and industry organizations.



Veo Systems, Inc. (Palo Alto, CA)

6/97-1/99 (Veo Systems was acquired by Commerce One in 1/99).

·       One of the founders of an electronic commerce start-up that developed technology for XML-based marketplaces and trading communities.

·       Served as Principal Investigator and Program Director for a joint venture research program on "Component-based Commerce" (from 9/97-12/99) partly funded by a multi-million $ grant from the Department of Commerce (NIST) Advanced Technology Program.

·       Co-inventor on three US patents

o   Market makers using documents for commerce in trading partner networks (#6,125,391)

o   Participant server which process documents for commerce in trading partner networks (#6,226,675)

o   Tool for building documents for commerce in trading partner networks and interface definitions based on the documents (# 6,542,912)



Passage Systems, Inc. (Palo Alto, CA)

Co-founder and Chief Scientist, 6/92-5/97

·       Evolved from Hypertext Engineering consulting firm into a multi-million $ company with over 50 employees.

·       Passage Systems specialized in high-volume publishing solutions in which complex technical information is simultaneously published to the Internet / Intranet, on CD-ROM, and in print without manual re-tagging from source formats


Hypertext Engineering (Atlanta, GA)

Founder and Principal, 3/91-5/92


Search Technology (Atlanta, GA)

Principal Scientist, 9/87-3/91


Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA)

Manager, Technology Transition Methods, 1986-87


AT&T Bell Laboratories (various NJ locations)

Member of Technical Staff, 1979-85

Professional Activities

Member of the Advisory Board for the Cognitive Science Department, UC San Diego (2024-present)

Member of the Advisory Board for the UC Merced Gallo School of Management (2021-2024)


Member of the Board of Directors of OASIS, an international consortium that drives the development, convergence, and adoption of "open standards for the global information society" (2005-2010)


Member of the Board of Directors of Open Data Foundation, dedicated to the adoption of global metadata standards for statistical data (2005-2012)


Member of Board of Advisors for Rearden Commerce, Inc. (2003-2012)


Member of the Board of Directors for (2001-2005)


Participant in national and international standards activities

Universal Business Language (2001-2005)

Digital Rights Language (2002-2004

ebXML (1999-2001)

eCo Framework (1998-99)


Reviewer for numerous service design, user interface, hypertext, cognitive science XML, SGML, and online publishing conferences and journals


Managed tutorials program for ACM International Conference on Hypertext (1991, 1993, 1994)


Honorary Lifetime Member of the Cognitive Science Society


Distinguished Service Award from the UCSD Alumni Association, June 2007.

Named one of "50 Alumni Leaders" by UCSD Alumni Association for UCSD 50th Anniversary Celebration, May 2011


Glushko, Robert J. (Editor). THE DISCIPLINE OF ORGANIZING: (4th edition), O'Reilly Media, 2016

·       freely downloadable from or from


Glushko, Robert J. (Editor). THE DISCIPLINE OF ORGANIZING: (3rd edition), O'Reilly Media, 2015


Glushko, Robert J. (Editor). THE DISCIPLINE OF ORGANIZING: (2nd edition), O'Reilly Media, 2014


Glushko, Robert J. (Editor). THE DISCIPLINE OF ORGANIZING. MIT Press, 2013


Glushko, Robert J. THE DISCIPLINE OF ORGANIZING FOR KIDS, Berkeley Pressbooks, 2022.


Glushko, Robert J. & McGrath, Tim. DOCUMENT ENGINEERING: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics and Web Services. MIT Press, 2005


Glushko, Robert J. The Psychology of Phonography: Reading Aloud by Orthographic Activation and Phonological Synthesis. (1979 Doctoral dissertation, University of California, San Diego).


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Glushko, Robert J. "Seven Ways to Make a Data Science Project Fail, " Data and Information Management, 2023.


Glushko, Robert J., and Freeman, Graham. "Music as an Organizing System: Using an Information Architecture Approach to Understand Musical Complexity," Journal of Information Architecture, 6(2), 9-24, 2021.


Freeman, Graham, and Glushko, Robert J., "Organization, Not Inspiration: A Historical Perspective on Musical Information Architecture," Knowledge Organization, 46(3), 161-170, 2019. PDF


Glushko, Robert J., "The Discipline of Organizing," Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 40(1), October-November 2013. PDF


Glushko, Robert J., and Nomorosa, Karen J. "Substituting Information for Interaction: A Framework for Personalization in Service Encounters and Service Systems," Journal of Service Research, 16(1), 21-38, 2013. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "Describing Service Systems," Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 23(1), 11-18, 2013. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. & Tabas, Lindsay. "Designing Service Systems by Bridging the 'Front Stage' and 'Back Stage'", Information Systems and E-Business Management, 7(4):407-427, 2009. PDF


Wilde, Erik & Glushko, Robert J. "Document Design Matters", Communications of the ACM, 51(10):43-49, October 2008. PDF


Wilde, Erik & Glushko, Robert J. "XML Fever," Communications of the ACM, 51(7):40-46, July 2008 PDF

  (also published in ACM Queue, 6(6):46-53, October 2008).


Glushko, Robert J., Maglio P., Matlock T., & Barsalou L. "Categorization in the Wild," Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12(4): 129-135, April 2008,   Abstract


Glushko, Robert J. "Designing a Service Science Discipline with Discipline", IBM Systems Journal, 47(1): 15-27, 2008 PDF


Glushko, Robert J., Tenenbaum, J., & Meltzer, B. "An XML framework for agent-based e-commerce," Communications of the ACM 42(3):106-114, March 1999. PDF

(republished in The Journal of Electronic Commerce, 12(2), 38-44).


Meltzer, B., & Glushko, R. "XML and Electronic Commerce: Enabling the Network Economy," ACM SIGMOD. (27(4), December 1998 PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "How practical is Practical SGML?", Journal of Computer Documentation, 20(2), 39-43, 1996. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. & Kershner, K. "Silicon Graphics IRIS InSight: An SGML success story," Technical Communication, 40(3), 394-402, 1993. PDF


Samuelson, Pamela & Glushko, Robert J. "Intellectual Property Rights For Digital Library And Hypertext Publishing Systems," Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, 6(1): 237-261, 1993 PDF


Samuelson, P., Denber, M., & Glushko, R. "Developments on the intellectual property front," Communications of the ACM, 35(6), 33-40, June 1992. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "Seven ways to make a hypertext project fail," Technical Communication, 39(2):226-230, 1992. PDF

(republished in Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: Toward the Year 2000, 2nd Edition. Ronald M. Baecker, Jonathan Grudin, William A.S. Buxtin, Saul Greenberg (Eds.))


Glushko, Robert J. "Designing a hypertext electronic encyclopedia," Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science, 16(3):14-17, 1990


Glushko, Robert J. "Using off the shelf software to create a hypertext electronic encyclopedia," Technical Communication, 37(1):28-33, 1990


Samuelson, Pamela & Glushko, Robert J. "What the user interface field thinks of the software copyright "look and feel" lawsuits (and what the law ought to do about it)," ACM SIGCHI Bulletin,1990, 22(2), 13-17. PDF


Samuelson, Pamela & Glushko, Robert J. "Comparing the Views of Lawyers and User Interface Designers on the Software Copyright "Look and Feel" Lawsuits," Jurimetrics, 30, 121 (1989) PDF

condensed version published as "Survey on the Look and Feel Lawsuits," Communications of the ACM, (May 1990, 33(5), 483-487). PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "Further Complications for Dual-route Theory," Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 8(4), December 1985, 712-713.


Glushko, Robert J. & Bianchi, M. "On-line documentation: Mechanizing development, delivery and use," Bell System Technical Journal, 61:1313-1323, 1982 PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "The organization and activation of orthographic knowledge in reading aloud," Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 5:674-691, 1979. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. & Cooper, Lynn. "Spatial comprehension and comparison processes in verification tasks," Cognitive Psychology, 10:391-421, 1978. PDF


Tansley, B. & Glushko, R. "Spectral sensitivity of long-wavelength-sensitive photoreceptors in dichromats determined by elimination of border concepts," Vision Research 18:699-706, 1976 PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "Pattern goodness and redundancy revisited: Multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering and analyses," Perception and Psychophysics, 1975, 17, 158-162.


Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications

Landy, David, and Glushko, Robert J. "Rapprochement, not Detente: How Cognitive Science and Industry can get back to getting along, and make each other better along the way." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2024.


Glushko, Robert J., "The Discipline of Organizing" Meets "Data Science," Position paper for Workshop on "Information Science to Data Science: New Directions for ISchools," IConference 2017, Wuhan China.


Glushko, Robert J. "Collaborative Authoring, Evolution, and Personalization for a 'Transdisciplinary' Textbook", Open Sym '15, 19-21 August 2015. PDF


Maloney, Murray, Glushko, Robert J., & R. Alexander Milowski. "Using DocBook to Produce a Polyvalent Academic Work", XML Prague, 14-15 February 2015. PDF


Wilde, Erik & Glushko, Robert J. "Bridging the Gap between eBook Readers and Browsers", eBooks: Great Expectations for Web Standards; A W3C Workshop on Electronic Books and the Open Web Platform, 11-12 February 2013. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "The Long and Winding Road to a Course on Service System Design", Proceedings of the 2011 Art & Science of Service Conference, June 2011. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. & Tabas, Lindsay. "Bridging the "Front Stage" and "Back Stage" in Service System Design," Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 2008.


Glushko, Robert J. "Modeling Methods and Artifacts for Crossing the Data/Document Divide," Proceedings of IDEAlliance XML 2005 Conference, November 2005. PDF


Mano Marks, Christine Jones, Chitra Madhwacharyula, & Robert J. Glushko. "Architecture evolution of an application: Center in a Box," Proceedings of IDEAlliance XML 2005 Conference, November 2005. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. & McGrath, Tim. "Document Engineering: Analyzing and Designing the Semantics of Business Service Networks," IEEE EEE05 International Workshop on Business Services Networks, March 2005


Bloodworth, A., & Glushko Robert J. "Model-driven Application Design for a Campus Calendar Network", Proceedings of IDEAlliance XML 2004 Conference, November 2004. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. & McGrath, Tim. "Patterns and Reuse in Document Engineering," Proceedings of IDEAlliance XML 2002 Conference, December 2002. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. & McGrath, Tim. "Document Engineering for e-Business," ACM Symposium on Document Engineering. November 2002, 42-48. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "How XML enables Internet marketplaces and trading communities," Proceedings of Graphics Communications Association XML'99 conference. Philadelphia, PA (December 1999). PDF


Duncan, P., Hunt, R., Rouse, W., & Glushko, R. "The Space Shuttle Fuel Cell Tutor: A Hybrid Training Environment," Proceedings of the International Conference on the Learning Sciences, 1991, 130-150.


Samuelson, P., & Glushko, R. "Intellectual property rights for digital library and hypertext publishing systems: An analysis of Xanadu," Proceedings of the Third ACM Conference on Hypertext: Hypertext '91, 39-50. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "Transforming text into hypertext for a compact disc encyclopedia," Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI'89, 293-298. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "Design issues for multi-document hypertexts," Proceedings of the Second ACM Conference on Hypertext: Hypertext '89, 51-60. PDF


Glushko, R., Weaver, M., Coonan, T. , & Lincoln, J. "Hypertext engineering": Practical methods for creating a compact disc encyclopedia. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Document Processing Systems, 1988, 11-19. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. Text development and management in Unix-based projects. Twenty-Eighth IEEE Computer Society International Conference, 1984, 473-477. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "Lessons in the development of a document retrieval system," Proceedings of the 44th American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, 1981, 17, 237-239.


Glushko, Robert J. & Rumelhart, D. "Orthographically regular and irregular words and pseudo-words: Pronunication by analogy," Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 10(4): 276 1977.


Glushko, Robert J. & Cooper, Lynn. "Comprehension and comparison of spatial descriptions and visual figures," Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 8(4): 262, 1976.



Book Chapters

Glushko, Robert J., "Foundations for Organizing Systems," Chapter 1 in Glushko, Robert J. (Ed.), The Discipline of Organizing, 1-45, MIT Press 2013.


Glushko, Robert J., Wilde, E., & Hemerly, J., "Activities in Organizing Systems," Chapter 2 in Glushko, Robert J. (Ed.), The Discipline of Organizing, 47-93, MIT Press 2013.


Glushko, Robert J., Turner, D., McPherson, K., & Hemerly, J., "Resources in Organizing Systems," Chapter 3 in Glushko, Robert J. (Ed.), The Discipline of Organizing, 95-138, MIT Press 2013.


Glushko, Robert J., McPherson, K., Greenberg, R., & Mayernik, M., "Resource Description and Metadata," Chapter 4 in Glushko, Robert J. (Ed.), The Discipline of Organizing, 139-187, MIT Press 2013.


Glushko, Robert J., Mayernik, M., Pepe, A., & Maloney, M., "Describing Relationships and Structures," Chapter 5 in Glushko, Robert J. (Ed.), The Discipline of Organizing, 189-234, MIT Press 2013.


Glushko, Robert J., Annechino, R., Hemerly, J., & Wang, L., "Categorization: Describing Resource Classes and Types," Chapter 6 in Glushko, Robert J. (Ed.), The Discipline of Organizing, 235-272, MIT Press 2013.


Glushko, Robert J., Hemerly, J., Petras, V., Manoochehehri, M., & Wang, L., "Categorization: Describing Resource Classes and Types," Chapter 7 in Glushko, Robert J. (Ed.), The Discipline of Organizing, 273-316, MIT Press 2013.


Petras, Vivien, Glushko, Robert J., Nomorosa, K., Ekaterin, J. J. M., Park, H., & Marimpietri, S., "Interactions with Resources," Chapter 9 in Glushko, Robert J. (Ed.), The Discipline of Organizing, 363-400, MIT Press 2013.


Glushko, Robert J., "The Organizing System Roadmap," Chapter 10 in Glushko, Robert J. (Ed.), The Discipline of Organizing, 401-436, MIT Press 2013.


Glushko, Robert J. "Seven Contexts for Service System Design," in Maglio, P. P., Kieliszewski, C, & Spohrer, J. (Eds.), Handbook of Service Science, 219-249, 2010. PDF


Bianchi, M., Glushko, R., & Mashey, J. "A software/documentation development environment built from the UNIX toolkit," In H.J. Schneider & A.I. Wasserman (Eds.), Automated tools for information systems design, 107-109, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1982. PDF


Glushko, Robert J. "Principles for pronouncing print: The psychology of phonography," In A. Lesgold & C. Perfetti (Eds.), Interactive Processes in Reading, 1981 (pp. 61-84). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.


Other Publications

Glushko, Robert J., "Document," Article in The Language of Technical Communication edited by Ray Gallon, XML Press 2016


Glushko, Robert J., Foreword to Intelligent Content: A Primer by Ann Rockley, Charles Cooper, and Scott Abel, XML Press 2015


Glushko, Robert J., "Document Engineering," Article in The Language of Content Strategy edited by Scott Abel and Rahel Anne Bailie, XML Press 2014


Glushko, Robert J. "The Future of Ebook Production is Single-Sourced, "  Book Business, 9 July 2015.


Bechtel, W., Behrmann, M., Chater, N., Glushko, R., Goldstone, R., & Smolensky, P. "The Rumelhart Prize at 10," Cognitive Science, 34:713-715, 2010


Center for Document Engineering established by SIMS and e-Berkeley.

Berkeley Computing & Communications, 13(4), Fall 2003. (September 4, 2003).


Developing XML Vocabularies for Web Services.

Center for Document Engineering Technical Report 2003-1, January 2003.

(co-authored with P. Garvey and C. Smith)


"Document Engineering" for e-Berkeley at SIMS.

Berkeley Computing & Communications, 13(1), Winter 2003.


The plug-and-play economy

Purchasing, (December 22, 2000, 72-74).


A Survey of Hypermedia in the United States.

Le Centre De Hautes Etudes Internationale D'Informatique. (

Technical Report, 1993


Visions of grandeur? The future of hypermedia.

UNIX Review, 1990, 8(2), 70-79.


Cognitive and pedagogical implications of orthography.

Quarterly Journal of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, 1979, 1, 22-26. Abstract


Selected Presentations

Rethinking Reading, Rules, and Regularity: The Earliest Days of PDP.

Parallel Distributed Processing and the Emergence of an Understanding of Mind: A Symposium in Honor of James L. McClelland,   (2018, September 28, Princeton)


Breaking the Rules.

A Symposium in Honor of Don Norman, (2018, May 12, University of California, San Diego)


The Discipline of Organizing: A Framework for Achieving {Organizational Benefits, the Benefits of Organizing}

Keynote talk at Innovations in Knowledge Organization Conference 2016 (2016, July 21, Singapore).


Organizing Single-Source Content for Authoring and Delivery of a "Transdisciplinary" Textbook

Innovations in Knowledge Organization Conference 2016,   (2016, July 21, Singapore)


Enhancing Collaboration and Community for The Discipline of Organizing

Workshop at ISchools Conference 2016,   (2016, March 20)


Collaborative Authoring, Evolution, and Personalization for a 'Transdisciplinary' Textbook

Ecole Nationale Superieure des Sciences de l'Information et des Bibliotheques (2016, February 23)


Information Architectiure as an Organizing Discipline

Keynote at World Information Architecture Day 2016,   Lyon France  (2016, February 20)


Enhancing Customer Experiences With Intelligent Content

Keynote at Information Development World, (2015, October 2)


Collaborative Authoring, Evolution, and Personalization for a 'Transdisciplinary' Textbook

Keynote at OpenSym 2015,   (2015, August 20)


Authoring, Designing, and Delivering Ebooks: A Research and Practice Agenda

Workshop at ISchools Conference 2015,   (2015, March 24)


Creating the Multivalent Book

Books in Browsers 2014   (2014, October 24). PDF


Collaborative Authoring, Use, and Maintenance of a Multidisciplinary "E-Textbook"

Books in Browsers 2013   (2013, October 25). PDF


Bridging the Gap between eBook Readers and Browsers

Position Paper for eBooks: Great Expectations for Web Standards; A W3C Workshop on Electronic Books and the Open Web Platform   (2013, February 11).


The Discipline of Organizing
Invited Lectures and Workshops at Schools of Information, other institutions. and conferences


Northwestern University (2017, April 19)

Drexel University (2017, April 20)


L Universite de Lyon Architecture de l'information (2016, February 19)


University of Colorado, Boulder (2015, November 5)

Carnegie-Mellon University (2015, June 16)

iSchool Inclusion Institute, University of Pittsburgh  (2015, June 15)

Universitat de Barcelona (2015, May 28)

University of Tennessee (2015, May 6)

Drexel University (2015, March 30)


Workshop at ASIS&T,   (2014, October 31)

iSchool Inclusion Institute, University of Pittsburgh  (2014, June 3)

Society for Technical Communication (STC), Northern California Chapter (2014, May 16)

University of Arizona (2014, April 21)

Workshop at iConference2014,   (2014, March 4)


Penn State University (2013, October 11).

iSchool Inclusion Institute, University of Pittsburgh  (2013, June 6)

University of Washington (2013, April 22).

University of Pittsburgh (2013, April 8).

University of Wisconsin, Madison (2013, April 5).

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (2013, April 4).

University of Texas, Austin (2013, April 3).

California Digital Library (2013, March 28).


University of California, Berkeley (2012, October 12)

Humboldt University, Berlin (2012, May 8)

University of Toronto (2012, April 13)

University of Western Ontario (2012, April 12)

University of Michigan (2012, April 11)

University of Illinois (2012, April 10)

University of Indiana (2012, April 9)

University of North Carolina (2012, April 6)

University of Kentucky (2012, April 5)

Intelligent Content Conference, Palm Springs (2012, Feburary 23).


Education Innovation: 2013 and Beyond

Panelist at Rocketspace San Francisco,   (2012, February 19).


The Implications of Intelligent Content for eBooks

Invited Keynote talk at Intelligent Content 2013   (2013, Feburary 7).


Service Systems and Distributed Cognition

Conference on Human Side of Service Engineering, San Francisco (2012, July 25).


Describing Service Systems

Conference on Human Side of Service Engineering, San Francisco (2012, July 24).


Substituting Information for Interaction

Colloquium talk at Technische Universitat Wien, (2012, May 4).


Substituting Information for Interaction

Colloquium talk at University of Toronto, (2011, October 14).


Service Innovation Using Design Patterns

Half-day Workshop for Amsterdam-Berkeley Leadership Program  " Driving Strategic Service Innovation"   (2010, September 30).


Describing Service Systems

Frontiers in Service Conference, Karlstad Sweden (2010, June 12).


Two New Perspectives for Service System Design: "Seven Contexts" and "Information vs. Interaction"

IBM Services Research Seminar Series, Almaden CA (2010, May 19).


New Learning Practices and Paradigms

Next Generation Teaching and Learning Symposium Berkeley CA (2010, April 17).


Intelligent Content: The Foundation for Information-Intensive Systems and Services

Invited Keynote at Intelligent Content 2010 , Palm Springs CA (2010, February 26).


Service Innovation Using Design Patterns

Service Research & Innovation Institute Summit, Half Moon Bay, CA (2010, January 26).


Innovation and Markets for Patents: A Case Study and Admonition.

University of Michigan, Program in Law, Economics & Technology Markets for Patents: Emerging Practices and Directions for Research, (2009, December 4).


Seven Contexts for Service System Design

Bay Area SSME Lecture Series (2009, November 12).


Designing Information-Intensive Service Systems

Frontiers in Service Conference, Honolulu (2009, October 31).


Seven Contexts for Designing Service Systems

Invited Keynote at IEEE International Conference on Services Computing , Bangalore (2009, September 20).


Designing "Service Systems"

Invited talk for Seeing Tomorrow's Services: A Panel on Service Design, San Francisco (2009, March 19).


Discipline in Service Science and Service Science Teaching

Invited plenary talk at Six Universities Joint Workshop, Tsukuba University, Japan (2008, October 27).


A Systems Approach to Service Science Research

Invited plenary talk at Service Science Faculty Workshop, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2008, June 16).


Document Engineering in User Experience Design,

Invited keynote talk at DocTrain West 2008 (2008, May 8).


Patents, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation: A Case Study.

University of California, Berkeley Law School IP & Entrepreneurship Symposium, (2008, March 7).


Bridging the "Front Stage" and "Back Stage" in Service System Design.

41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (2008, January 8).


Service Innovation Using Design Patterns

Frontiers in Service Conference, (2007, October 5).


Bridging the "Front Stage" and "Back Stage" in Service System Design.

IBM Services Research Seminar Series, Hawthorne, NY (2007, September 28).


Bridging the "Front Stage" and "Back Stage" in Service System Design

The New Software Industry Conference (2007, April 30)


Service Innovation Using Design Patterns

Berkeley-Tekes Service Innovation Conference (2007, April 28)


Document Engineering (Invited Keynote Talk)

Society of Technical Communication Annual Conference Philadelphia (2007, March 17)


What Is a Service?

UC Berkeley Services Science Lecture Series (2007, January 16)


Bridging the "Back Stage" and "Front Stage" in Service Systems

I-Conference 2006 Ann Arbor, MI (2006, October 16)


Services Science at UC Berkeley

SSME - Education for the 21st Century IBM Palisades, NY (2006, October 7)


Services Design -- Connecting the Back Stage and Front Stage

UC Berkeley Services Science Lecture Series (2006, September 14)


Model-Based Service Innovation

2nd Annual Meeting on "The Art and Science of Services," Madrid Spain (2006, May)


Document Engineering in Services Science

2nd Annual Meeting on "The Art and Science of Services," Madrid Spain (2006, May)


The Services Connection.

SOA Executive Forum New York (2006, May)


Document Engineering: Designing Documents for Transactions and Web Services.

OASIS Technical Symposium San Francisco (2006, May)


Designing a SSME Discipline and Curriculum at UC Berkeley

Workshop on Education for Service Innovation, Washington DC (2006, April)


Reality Check.

SOA Executive Forum San Francisco (2006, March)


Modeling Methods and Artifacts for Crossing the Data/Document Divide.

IDEAlliance XML 2005 Conference, Atlanta, GA (2005, November).


Document Engineering: Designing Documents for Transactions and Web Services

IDEAlliance XML 2005 Conference, Atlanta, GA (2005, November).


Document Engineering at UC Berkeley

AIIM Executive Summit, Sonoma, CA (2005, September).


Document Engineering: Models, Tools, and Artifacts for Crossing the Data/Document Divide.

Washington DC XML Users' Group. Washington DC (2005, May).


Document Engineering and User-Centered Design

XML.GOV XML Community of Practice. Washington DC (2005, May).


Document Engineering: Designing Documents for Transactions and Web Services

OASIS Technical Symposium, New Orleans, LA (2005, April).


Document Engineering: Crossing the Data/Document Chasm in Information Modeling

The Gilbane Conference on Content Management. San Francisco, CA (2005, April).


Document Engineering: Analyzing and Designing the Semantics of Business Service Networks

IEEE EEE05 International Workshop on Business Services Networks. Hong Kong (2005, March).


Document Engineering

IBM Symposium on Services Science IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. Hawthorne, NY (2004, May).


Document Engineering

Symposium on The Coevolution of Technology-Business Innovations. IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA (2003, September).


The Berkeley XML Application Infrastructure and the "Center for Document Engineering"

University of California Computing Services Conference. Irvine, CA (2003, August).


Document Engineering for Web Services and E-Business.

IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. Hawthorne, NY (2003, March).


Document Engineering for Web Services and E-Business.

Software Development Forum WSXB SIG. San Francisco, CA (2003, February).


Patterns and Reuse in Document Engineering.

IDEAlliance XML 2002 Conference. Baltimore, MD (2002, December).


The Document Strikes Back (Invited keynote lecture)

32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Kansas City, MO (2002, November)


Document Engineering for e-Business.

ACM Symposium on Document Engineering. McLean, VA (2002, November).


XML standards as the foundation for e-business (Invited keynote lecture)

XML Enabled E-business Conference, Johannesburg South Africa (2001, June)


Standards for interoperable applications

Application Integration: Moving Toward Total Business Integration (Gartner Group conference), San Francisco (2001, May)


Do exchanges really matter?

Red Herring Venture 2001 Conference, Lake Tahoe CA (2001, April)


XML and interoperability

e-Link Conference, New Orleans (2001, April).


How XML enables e-markets and interoperability

Invited lecture for Computer Science class on "E-commerce and the Internet" (CS 155), Yale University (2001, March).


XML and interoperability.

e-Link Conference, Berlin (2001, February).


XML 101.

Commerce Cafe global webcast. (2001, January)


XML and Electronic Commerce

Tutorial at Graphics Communication Association XML'2000 Conference, Washington DC (2000, December).


XML and Interoperability.

Invited lecture at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (2000, December).


XML for Internet markets and trading communities: Problems and prospects.

Petroleum Industry Data Exchange (PIDX) e-Biz Conference, Austin TX (2000, October).


XML and EDI: Peaceful Co-existence.

B2B Integration Strategies and Solutions Conference (Brainstorm Group), San Francisco (2000, October).


The B2B shakeout: Which Net business models will survive?

Panel at Leading Edge Conference (UC Berkeley Haas Business School (2000, September).


XML technology and B2B standards.

e-Link Conference, Las Vegas (2000, September).


XML, document engineering, and e-marketplaces.

Utility Industry Group e-Commerce Conference, Columbus OH (2000, August).


XML for Internet markets and trading communities.

NACHA Financial Council Conference, Key West FL (2000, March).


Building an open and flexible trading community with XML.

e-Link Conference, London (2000, February).


XML for Internet markets and trading communities: Problems and prospects.

Invited keynote at X12 Trimester Meeting, Denver CO (2000, February).


How XML enables Internet marketplaces and trading communities.

Graphics Communications Association XML'99 conference. Philadelphia, PA (1999, December).


How XML enables Internet marketplaces and trading communities.

Invited technical keynote for conference on XML and the Legal Foundations for Electronic Commerce, Southern Methodist University School of Law, November 1999.


XML and Electronic Commerce,

Tutorial at eGov Conference, Washington, D.C. (1999, June)


XML and eCo.

Presentation at CommerceNet Korea Annual Conference, Seoul, Korea. (1999, June)


XML and Electronic Commerce,

Tutorial at Graphics Communication Association XTech Conference, San Jose CA (1999, March).


XML, Common Business Library, and Catalog Interoperability.

Keynote Presentation at CommerceNet Taiwan Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (1999, February).


The Future of XML: "Plug and Play" Commerce.

German Research Organization (DFG) Conference on XML, Frankfurt University (1999, January).


XML in Electronic Commerce - Through the Rearview Mirror and Crystal Ball.

Presentation at the Open Group Conference, Global e-Business to e-Business, Santa Clara CA (1999, January).


XML and Electronic Commerce; A Progress Report.

Presentation to CommerceNet Japan, Toyko. (1998. November).


The XML Revolution in Electronic Commerce.

Invited presentation at Nihon Unisys 10th Information Management Forum, Tokyo. (1998, November).


Plug and Play Commerce.

Presentation at Graphics Communication Association XML'98 Conference, Chicago. (1998, November).


XML and Electronic Commerce.

Tutorial at Graphics Communication Association XML'98 Conference, Chicago. (1998, November).


The XML Revolution in Electronic Commerce.

Presentation at Strategic Solutions: ITAA Annual Conference, Colorado Springs. (1998, October).


University Research, Technology Transfer, and Entrepreneurship.

Presentation at Governor's Symposium for a Hi-Tech Hawaii, Honolulu. (1998, October).


Document Standards and Technologies for Commerce Applications.

Presentation at Seybold Web Publishing Conference, San Francisco. (1998, September).


Technology Foundations for Electronic Commerce.

Invited lecture for "Electronic Commerce" course at the Law School, University of California, Berkeley. (1998, August).


The XML Revolution.

Keynote address for XML@Intel, Santa Clara CA. (1998, August).


Common Business Languages in Electronic Commerce.

Presentation at Internet World. Chicago. (1998, July).


Implementing Domain-Specific Commerce Languages with a Common Business Library.

Presentation at International Workshop on Component-Based Electronic Commerce, University of California. Berkeley. (1998, July).


The XML Revolution.

Keynote address for Italian Forum on Electronic Commerce, Milan Italy. (1998, June).


XML and Electronic Commerce.

Tutorial at CommerceNet Japan XML Conference, Tokyo. (1998, June).


XML {and, or} EDI.

Presentation at Internet for Mass Merchandising Conference, Scottsdale AZ. (1998, May).


The XML Revolution.

Invited presentation for the School of Information and Computer Sciences, University of California, Irvine. (May, 1998).


XML: Applications that Work.

Presentation at XML Xposed, Boston. (1998, May).


The XML Revolution.

Invited presentation for SIMSposium, School of Information Management and Systems, University of California, Berkeley. (1998, April).


XML, EDI, and Electronic Commerce.

Presentation at CNET Web Builder Conference, San Francisco. (1998, April).


Interoperable Electronic Commerce.

Presentation at Workshop on Electronic Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Bethesda MD. (1998, March).


XML in eCo and Common Business Language.

Presentation at XML, The Conference, Seattle WA. (1998, March).


Document Systems and Electronic Commerce Strategies.

Presentation at Documation, Santa Clara CA. (1998, March).


Common Business Language and XML.

Presentation at CommerceNet Quarterly Meeting, Palo Alto. (1998, March).


The XML Revolution.

Presentation at US/Japan Electronic Commerce Summit, Maui HI. (1998, January).


Internet Commerce.

Invited lecture for "Cyberlaw" course at the Law School, University of California, Berkeley. (1997, February).


Lobbies and Cubicles: Contrasting Production Models for New Media Publishing.

Presentation at Documation. Santa Clara, CA. (1997, February).


Sustainable Web Publishing.

Seminar at SGML'96. Boston, MA. (1996, November).


Sustainable Production Models for Online Publishing.

Presentation at New Media Publisher's Forum. New York, NY. (1996, September).


Tools for Internet Publishing.

Presentation at DCI Internet Expo. Chicago, IL. (1996, June).


SGML, HTML, and Internet Publishing.

Presentation at GCA Print Media Executive Conference, Coral Gables, FL. (1996, February).


Electronic casebooks.

Invited lecture at Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting. New Technology Workshop, New Orleans. (1995, January).


HTML: Poison or Panacea?

Organizer and moderator of panel at European Conference on Hypermedia Technology. Edinburgh, Scotland. (1994, September).


The business of hypertext.

Organizer and moderator of panel at Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext: Hypertext '93. Seattle, WA. (1993, November).


Successful transition to SGML.

Fifth ACM Conference on Hypertext: Hypertext '93. Seattle, WA. (1993, November).


Building the online publishing industry.

Organizer and moderator of panel at Online Publishing '93. Pittsburgh, PA. (1993, March).


The vision of online documentation - and getting there.

Keynote address for the Space Coast Documentation Conference. Melbourne, FL. (1992, November).


A re-engineering framework for multimedia publishing.

Presentation at Seventh International Conference and Exposition on Multimedia and CD-ROM. San Francisco, CA. (1992, March).


Structure, navigation, and hypertext: The status of the navigation problem

Panel presentation at Third ACM Conference on Hypertext: Hypertext '91. San Antonio, TX. (1991, December).


When worlds collide: Reconciling the research, marketplace, and applications views of hypertext.

Organizer and moderator of panel at Third ACM Conference on Hypertext: Hypertext '91. San Antonio, TX. (1991, December).


What makes online text usable?

6th Annual Conference on Electronic Text Research. Centre for the New Oxford English Dictionary and Text Research, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. (1990, October).


Web-based Interviews and Podcasts

Webinar on "Teaching Children about Organizing." Recorded 2 December 2021


Webinar on "The Discipline of Organizing Content" . Recorded 5 May 2014


Webinar on "The Discipline of Organizing" hosted by Scott Abel. Recorded 20 June 2013.


Video interview with Roger Bingham for The Science Network. Recorded 13 August 2010 at the annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society held that year in Portland, Oregon.


Interview by Duane Nickell on "Duane's World" Adobe TV episode. This episode was recorded 12 July 2008 at the annual "Foo Camp" held at the O'Reilly home offices in Sebastopol, California. Published 15 August 2008.


Interview about Document Engineering and the User Experience with Tom Johnson of "I'd Rather be Writing," Recorded 8 May 2008 at DocTrain West Conference, Vancouver BC.


Interview about Document Engineering and other topics in Phil Windley's IT Conversations series. Recorded 19 June 2007.


Interview about UC Berkeley Information and Service Design Program (along with AnnaLee Saxenian) in Jon Udell's "Interviews with Innovators" series. Recorded 11 April 2007.


Interview about document engineering and business patterns in Jon Udell's InfoWorld podcast series. Published 11 April 2007.


Documents and document engineering -- Interview with Ed Stevenson of Really [ ] Strategies. Published 29 March 2006.


The document/data divide -- Interview with Ed Stevenson of Really [ ] Strategies. Published 30 March 2006.


Document anthropology and archaeology -- Interview with Ed Stevenson of Really [ ] Strategies. Published 21 March 2006.


You call that a standard?-- Interview with Martin LaMonica in C|NET Newsmaker series. Published 28 April 2004.



Last modified 22 December 2024