Karuk Dictionary
by William Bright and Susan Gehr (© Karuk Tribe)
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Your search: English coyote | New search
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8 result(s)
chánhaayfur exclamation of Coyote when interrupted while raping a girl (T11.24)
ishávaas child of deceased sibling (term of address commonly used by Coyote)
pihnêefha / pihnêefhi- to howl like a coyote ; to make a whooping cry (as in the war dance)
pihnêefich / pihneef- coyote
pihneefích'anamahach coyote pup
shuuuuhuuuu imitation of Coyote's howl
sishanayâamach pretty one having a penis, a name given to Coyote
tishráam ishkuuntíhan by-name for coyote
Dictionary Entry
lexicon ID #5437 | revised Dec 03 2015
sishanayâamach • N • pretty one having a penis, a name given to Coyote
Derivation: | síish-ar yâamach | (= síish-ar yav-ach) |
penis-INST pretty | (= penis-INST good-DIM) |
- kári xás upíip yítha pa'ifápiit, ii! íf êev sishanayâamach toosíinvar. And one young women said, "Alas, dear, pretty-one-with-a-penis has really drowned! [Reference: WB 11: Coyote as Doctor 042]
Sentence examples (2)
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kári xás upiip yítha pa'ifápiit, " ii! íf êev sishanayâamach tóo síinvar."
And one young woman said, "Alas, dear, sishanayâamach has really drowned!Source: Nettie Ruben, "Coyote as Doctor" (WB_KL-11) | read full text -
xás kunpínaa, vaa kích vúra pakunipítih" sishanayâamach tóo síinvar."
And they came back uphill; that was all they were saying, "sishanayâamach has drowned."Source: Nettie Ruben, "Coyote as Doctor" (WB_KL-11) | read full text